Up to 230 ACRES OF I-94 HIGHWAY FRONTAGE with easy access off of Dearing Rd. and/or N. Harrington Rd. The sky is the limit for this property... This is a Prime location for the next addition to the industrial park.3/4 mile from MACI. Access from Dearing road to MACI and access from Harrington Rd. Aqua underwater lake on property, as well as, a trunk track. Jackson airport approximately 1 mile away. NORTH side of property borders I-94. EAST side borders MACI. SOUTH is bordered by railroad track. WEST is farmland. 2-50 acre parcels cleared. There is a house on parcel C. If commercial/industrial is not your need, this could be your next hunting paradise as it has many deer blinds throughout the property. Also, there are many acres of tillable land for the farmers.
Parcel Details Industrial Land
Energy & Utilities