Lake County is located near the center of Michigan. Lake County has a land area of 567.37 square miles and a water area of 6.91 square miles. In terms of population, the county ranks 73rd in Michigan. State land accounts for roughly 60,000 acres, or approximately 17% of total county land area, and is centered to the east of M-37 and north of US-10 East. The majority of state land is woodland, with a high proportion of oak, red pine, jack pine, white pine, and significant aspen area. DNR personnel regularly maintains about 200 acres of alfalfa and rye plants on state forest land. The rest of the property is privately owned.
Lake County has little agriculture; although, there are some row crops, which are located in the county’s eastern half. The county’s east and west borders are marked by uneven moraine terrain and well-drained sandy or sandy loam soils. The interior of the county features sandy, well-drained outwash plains with regions of poorly drained peat and muck. Following the implementation of Antler Point Restrictions in 2014, the deer population looks to be rising in Lake County, at least in high productivity regions. Whitetail deer, grouse, bear, ducks, turkey, and geese are among the game species available for hunting along the farm land, vacant land, waterfront, and hunting land for sale by Michigan Whitetail Properties in Lake County, Michigan.
Hunting / Home For Sale 30.02 Acres Lake County
Farm / Home / Recreational Property For Sale 82.06 Acres Lake County
Home / Waterfront Property For Sale 80 Acres Lake County
Farm / Home / Recreational Property For Sale 120 Acres Lake County
Hunting / Farm / Recreational Property For Sale 40 Acres Lake County
Hunting / Waterfront / Recreational Property For Sale 35.5 Acres Lake County
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