Charlevoix County lies near the in the middle of Michigan’s Northern Lower Peninsula. Charlevoix County has a land area of 416.34 square miles with 322 square miles of deer range (available habitat.) water area of 974.12 square miles. The county is ranked 53rd in population for the state of Michigan. Big lakes, such as Lake Charlevoix, cover a large area of this county. Human populations and developments tend to cluster around these major bodies of water especially Lake Michigan.
The terrain is mostly made up of private farm land mixed in with forest with more developed areas located in the central and western portions of the county. There are also orchards and vineyards closer to the Lake Michigan shoreline. Other agriculture includes a range of crops and pastureland where the soils and terrain allow. Much of the non-agricultural private land is woodland, with a mix of upland forest and swamp complexes.
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